This website is made by DS5_E, Alfred Chiu (8), Boyce Leung (20), Michael Wong (32) and Angus Yip (37).
Olympic Games is started in Ancient Greece, which many people knew that. Ancient Greece is also famous of its architecture, such as Bouleuterion (meeting room), theatre, and temples. The warfare of Ancient Greece is complicated, there are Greco-Persian Wars and the Peloponnesian War. About the religion of Ancient Greece, people belief in many Gods and Goddesses, for instance, Zeus (king of Gods), Poseidon (God of Sea and Earthquake), Helios (God of Sun) and Aphrodite (God of Love).
This website is made for promoting Ancient Greece to the study tours for students in Hong Kong.
We would introduce the information of Ancient Greece, including 4 criteria, history, architecture, warfare, and religion.